Civil Code

The Civil Code is divided into four “books”, with each specific book namely:

  • Book I : Persons 

    • Title 1 Civil Personality
    • Title 2 Citizenship and Domicile
    • Title 3-9 Repealed by "Family Code of the Philippines"
    • Title 10 Funerals
    • Title 11  Repealed by "Family Code of the Philippines"
    • Title 12 Care and Education of Children
    • Title 13 Use of Surnames
    • Title 14 Absence
    • Title 15  Repealed by "Family Code of the Philippines"
      • Family Code
        • Title 1 Marriage 
        • Title 2 Legal Separation\
        • Title 3 Rights and Obligations between Husband and Wife
        • Title 4 Property Relations between Husband and Wife
        • Title 5 The Family
        • Title 6 Paternity and Filation
        • Title 7 Adoption
        • Title 8 Support
        • Title 9 Parental Authority
        • Title 10 Emancipation and Age of Majority
        • Title 11 Summary Judicial Proceedings in the Family law
        • Title 11 Final Provisions

  • Book II - Property, Ownership, and its Modification

  • Title 1 Classification of Property
  • Title 2 Ownership
  • Title 3 Co- Ownership
  • Title 4 Some Special Properties 
  • Title 5 Posession
  • Title 6 Usufruct 
  • Title 7 Easment or Servitude 
  • Title 8 Nuisance
  • Title 9 Registry of Property

  • Book III: Different Modes of Acquiring Ownership

  • Title 1 Occupation
  • Title 2 Intellectual Creation
  • Title 3 Donation
  • Title 4 Succession
  • Title 5 Prescription

  • Book IV : Obligations and Contracts

  • Title 1 Obligations
  • Title 2 Contracts
  • Title 3 Natural Obligations
  • Title 4 Estoppel
  • Title 5 Trusts
  • Title 6 Sales
  • Title 7 Barter or Exchange
  • Title 8 Lease
  • Title 9 Partnership
  • Title 10 Agency 
  • Title 11 Loan
  • Title 12 Deposit 
  • Title 13 Aleatory Contracts 
  • Title 14 Compromise and Arbitration
  • Title 15 Guaranty 
  • Title 16 Pledge, Mortgage and anti-chresis
  • Title 17 Extra Contractual Obligations
  • Title 18 Damages
  • Title 19 Concurrence and Preference of Credits
  • Book V :torts and damages
(although developments in tort and damages law have been guided less by the Code than by judicial precedents.)

Wikipedia. 2016. Civil Code of the Philippines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 30 July 2016].

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